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Original post by: Eric Doster


Tonight contained another large batch of code changes to continue to push the pace for next weeks "Production Launch" goal.

=== New Features ===

* User Notification manager now auto-detects timezone when adding new notifications. 
* Middle tab (while editing guides) named changed from "meta information" to "details"
* Integrated Answers functionality in soon-to-be-released help revamp.
* Implemented new sidebar module for soon-to-be-released help revamp.

=== Bug Fixes ===

* Creating a category using /wiki menu will now auto populate any child categories under it.
* Various image upload bug fixes.
* Fixed category manager self-nesting bug.
* Resolved bug affecting changing category via the category module on a category page. 
* Removed collection of billing information step on Guidebook free plan signup.
* Fixed page stats count bug from new categorization backend.
* Item help link routing to the incorrect documentation fixed.
* Various images serving bug fixes.
* Fixed portrait-oriented image issue with excessive white space when cropping.

=== Optimizations ===

* Included Open Graph tags into user profile pages and guide pages.
* Cleaned up and revised single sign on (factory / community plans and up) documentation page.
* Developed automated testing around newly created category page deletion feature.
* Revised image upload help instructions. 
* Revamped user notification manager UI elements.
* Revised the UI style of category manager preview in /Manage.
* Site Activity report renamed to User Activity to better reflect its intent.

