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Current version by: Taylor Arnicar


Our first sync since the end of Beta was super effective. Below is a list of features we pushed and the bugs we squashed along the way.
=== New Features ===
* SSL is now only available by default for Custom plans. To turn on SSL for your site, please Contact Us.
+* Added new animated UI to improve visibility of Help links on all pages.
=== Bug Fixes ===
* Fixed an issue with Answers search where entering a new search term from a later page of results showed the wrong search results
* Fixed stylization bug affecting delete links on Answers posts, Answers comments, and Guidebook comments
* Fixed minor text spacing issue on Notifications Page
* Fixed an issue where a site's description did not wrap onto a new line properly
* Fixed a bug where reputation points were not removed when Answers posts were closed or deleted, but not restored if the post was re-opened. Reputation is now properly restored for re-opened posts.
* Fixed multiple minor errors on the Upgrades page in /Manage.
* Fixed multiple video errors in all of the launchpad pages.
* Finished fixing an issue where removing an image from your Image Drawer could result in the image being removed from posts it was used in.
=== Optimizations ===
* Improved Support Request Form
* Various improvements to the Upgrades page
* Redirected a Help module to a more applicable Help Page
* Removed unneeded cancel button in Answers when asking a question
* Improved saving behavior when multiple users are concurrently editting the same step of a guide
* Increased the maximum time that a single unused SSO login token remains valid. This ensures that someone can't capture your SSO token and use it again later to impersonate you.
* Increased readability of link fonts on Patrol pages.



Edit by: Taylor Arnicar


Our first sync since the end of Beta was super effective. Below is a list of features we pushed and the bugs we squashed along the way.
=== New Features ===
* SSL is now only available by default for Custom plans. To turn on SSL for your site, please Contact Us.
=== Bug Fixes ===
* Fixed an issue with Answers search where entering a new search term from a later page of results showed the wrong search results
* Fixed stylization bug affecting delete links on Answers posts, Answers comments, and Guidebook comments
* Fixed minor text spacing issue on Notifications Page
* Fixed an issue where a site's description did not wrap onto a new line properly
* Fixed a bug where reputation points were not removed when Answers posts were closed or deleted, but not restored if the post was re-opened. Reputation is now properly restored for re-opened posts.
* Fixed multiple minor errors on the Upgrades page in /Manage.
* Fixed multiple video errors in all of the launchpad pages.
+* Finished fixing an issue where removing an image from your Image Drawer could result in the image being removed from posts it was used in.
=== Optimizations ===
* Improved Support Request Form
* Various improvements to the Upgrades page
* Redirected a Help module to a more applicable Help Page
* Removed unneeded cancel button in Answers when asking a question
* Improved saving behavior when multiple users are concurrently editting the same step of a guide
* Increased the maximum time that a single unused SSO login token remains valid. This ensures that someone can't capture your SSO token and use it again later to impersonate you.
* Increased readability of link fonts on Patrol pages.



Original post by: Eric Doster


Our first sync since the end of Beta was super effective. Below is a list of features we pushed and the bugs we squashed along the way.

=== New Features ===

* SSL is now only available by default for Custom plans. To turn on SSL for your site, please Contact Us.

=== Bug Fixes ===

* Fixed an issue with Answers search where entering a new search term from a later page of results showed the wrong search results
* Fixed stylization bug affecting delete links on Answers posts, Answers comments, and Guidebook comments
* Fixed minor text spacing issue on Notifications Page
* Fixed an issue where a site's description did not wrap onto a new line properly
* Fixed a bug where reputation points were not removed when Answers posts were closed or deleted, but not restored if the post was re-opened. Reputation is now properly restored for re-opened posts.
* Fixed multiple minor errors on the Upgrades page in /Manage.
* Fixed multiple video errors in all of the launchpad pages.

=== Optimizations ===

* Improved Support Request Form
* Various improvements to the Upgrades page
* Redirected a Help module to a more applicable Help Page
* Removed unneeded cancel button in Answers when asking a question
* Improved saving behavior when multiple users are concurrently editting the same step of a guide
* Increased the maximum time that a single unused SSO login token remains valid.  This ensures that someone can't capture your SSO token and use it again later to impersonate you.
* Increased readability of link fonts on Patrol pages.

