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Current version by: Eric Doster


iFixit has a custom html page (in that example screenshot) so it's not a very apples-to-apples comparison. However, you can accomplish your desired look via custom css.
Here's an example of what I got by modifying the existing styles:
-== Updated CSS ==
+=== Updated CSS ===
@media (max-width: 599px) {
.categoryListCell, .blurbListCell {
width: 48% !important;
float: left !important;
margin-right: 8px !important;
margin-bottom: 10px !important;



Edit by: Eric Doster


iFixit has a custom html page (in that example screenshot) so it's not a very apples-to-apples comparison. However, you can accomplish your desired look via custom css.
Here's an example of what I got by modifying the existing styles:
+== Updated CSS ==
-@media only screen and (max-width: 599px)
-.categoryListCell, .categoryImage {
-/* width: auto; */ <-- commented out
-/* height: auto; */ <-- commented out
+@media (max-width: 599px) {
+.categoryListCell, .blurbListCell {
+ width: 48% !important;
+ float: left !important;
+ margin-right: 8px !important;
+ margin-bottom: 10px !important;
-@media only screen and (max-width: 599px)
-.categoryListCell, .blurbListCell {
-width: 48%; <-- new style
-/* float: none; */ <-- commented out
-/* margin: 0 auto 24px; */ <-- commented out



Edit by: Eric Doster


iFixit has a custom html page (in that example screenshot) so it's not a very apples-to-apples comparison. However, you can accomplish your desired look via custom css.
Here's an example of what I got by modifying the existing styles:
@media only screen and (max-width: 599px)
.categoryListCell, .categoryImage {
/* width: auto; */ <-- commented out
/* height: auto; */ <-- commented out
@media only screen and (max-width: 599px)
.categoryListCell, .blurbListCell {
width: 48%; <-- new style
/* float: none; */ <-- commented out
/* margin: 0 auto 24px; */ <-- commented out



Original post by: Eric Doster


iFixit has a custom html page (in that example screenshot) so it's not a very apples-to-apples comparison. However, you can accomplish your desired look via custom css.

Here's an example of what I got by modifying the existing styles:


@media only screen and (max-width: 599px)

.categoryListCell, .categoryImage {

/* width: auto; */  <-- commented out

/* height: auto; */ <-- commented out


@media only screen and (max-width: 599px)

.categoryListCell, .blurbListCell {

width: 48%; <-- new style

/* float: none; */ <-- commented out

/* margin: 0 auto 24px; */ <-- commented out


