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Changes to Step #9

Edit by Taylor Arnicar


Step Lines

-[* 7] In your Dozuki /Manage interface, under the General heading, you will find the fields: Google OAuth2 Client ID and Google OAuth2 Client Secret.
-[* 8] For the field Google OAuth2 Client ID, click Edit on the right side of your Management Console. Then paste the Client ID you copied from the Google Developers Console. Click save.
-[* 4] For the field Google OAuth2 Client Secret, click Edit on the right side of your Management Console. Then paste the Client Secret you copied from the Google Developers Console. Click save.
+[* 7] In your Dozuki site's /Manage interface, under the General heading, you will find the fields: Google OAuth2 Client ID and Google OAuth2 Client Secret.
+[* 8] For the field Google OAuth2 Client ID, click Edit and paste the Client ID you copied from the Google Developers Console. Click save.
+[* 4] For the field Google OAuth2 Client Secret, click Edit and paste the Client Secret you copied from the Google Developers Console. Click save.