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Changes to Step #2

Edit by Eric Doster


Step Lines

[title] Converting the Uploaded .vmdk files
-[* 1] SSH into your VMware host server
+[* 1] Once upload is complete, SSH into your VMware host server
[* 1] Once logged in, navigate to the datastore where you uploaded the .vmdk files (''ie: /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/...'' ) in the previous step.
[* 1] Use the following command syntax to convert the uploaded .vmdk files:
[* 1] ``vmkfstools -i [image to be converted] [new image name for converted file] -d thin``
[* 1] ''Example usage'': ``vmkfstools -i dozuki.vmdk dozukiConverted.vmdk -d thin``
[* 1] Once the conversion process has finished for both the ***App volume*** and the ***Data volume***, proceed to the next step.