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Changes to this Step

Edit by Brian Sallee


Step Lines

-[* 1] Locate the step within your guide.
-[* 3] Move your cursor over the Step Title.
-[* 5] You'll notice a small paragraph icon will display at the end of the guide title.
-[* 7] Click on the paragraph icon and the URL of the guide will now have the step ID appended to the end of it.
- [* 1] The step ID can be found at the end of the guide URL. The number following the letter ***''s''*** is step ID.
- [* 1] In this example the step ID is 212.
+[* 3] Move your cursor over the step title. You'll notice a small paragraph icon will display at the end of the step title.
+[* 5] Click on the paragraph icon and the URL of the guide will now have the step ID appended to the end of it.
+ [* 7] The step ID can be found at the end of the guide URL. The number following the letter ***''s''*** is the step ID.
+ [* 7] In this example the step ID is 212.
+[* 1] Once you know the step ID you can link to individual steps. Just copy the guide URL with the step number included at the end and [guide|6463|create a link|new_window=true] as you normally would.
+ [* 10] Alternatively, you can use wiki syntax to link to an individual step. This is the syntax you would use: ***[raw] [guide|6463|Your link text|stepid=212].[/raw]***
+ [* 1] In the syntax above the number displayed after the word ''guide'' is the [guide|6477|guideID]. View guide about [guide|6477|how to locate the guide ID].
+[* 1] Example: [guide|6463|Link to Step 2 in another guide|stepid=27950|new_window=true].