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Current version by: Taylor Arnicar


== Bug Fixes ==
* Fixed a bug where reputation graphs were not displaying on user profiles.
* Fixed a bug where not setting a google analytics key for a site could cause an error.
* Fixed a bug where a primary guide image was sometimes blurry until the user moused over a thumbnail.
== Optimizations ==
+* The Orphans section of the Category Manager now has its own scrollbar and stays with you as you scroll down the page, making it much easier to manage large amounts of categories.
+* When there are more than 5 top-level categories, the Category Manager now defaults to showing them as collapsed, rather than expanded.
* Clarified that user-entered category page titles are used for display purposes, not for category renaming.
-* Like [ | last week], we've made further substantial improvements to every page that has social media links.
+* Like [|last week], we've made further substantial improvements to every page that has social media links.
== Miscellaneous ==
* Various grammar corrections.
* Decreased the number of allowable characters in a guide bullet from 600 to 350.
* The 'Featured Guide' and 'User Submitted Guide' flags now have new colorful images, separating them from the rest of the flags.
* User names must now be a minimum of 2 characters, down from 3.
* New customers signing up must now specify their country.
* Trying to create a new team while already on a team now displays a correct error message.



Edit by: Taylor Arnicar


== Bug Fixes ==
* Fixed a bug where reputation graphs were not displaying on user profiles.
* Fixed a bug where not setting a google analytics key for a site could cause an error.
* Fixed a bug where a primary guide image was sometimes blurry until the user moused over a thumbnail.
== Optimizations ==
* Clarified that user-entered category page titles are used for display purposes, not for category renaming.
+* Like [ | last week], we've made further substantial improvements to every page that has social media links.
== Miscellaneous ==
* Various grammar corrections.
* Decreased the number of allowable characters in a guide bullet from 600 to 350.
* The 'Featured Guide' and 'User Submitted Guide' flags now have new colorful images, separating them from the rest of the flags.
* User names must now be a minimum of 2 characters, down from 3.
* New customers signing up must now specify their country.
* Trying to create a new team while already on a team now displays a correct error message.



Edit by: Taylor Arnicar


== Bug Fixes ==
-* Fixed a bug where reputation graphs were not displaying on user profiles
-* Fixed a bug where not setting a google analytics key for a site would cause a warning in our error log.
-* Fixed a bug where a primary guide image was sometimes blurry until the user moused over a thumbnail.
+* Fixed a bug where reputation graphs were not displaying on user profiles.
+* Fixed a bug where not setting a google analytics key for a site could cause an error.
+* Fixed a bug where a primary guide image was sometimes blurry until the user moused over a thumbnail.
== Optimizations ==
-* Clarified user-entered category page titles are used for display purposes, not for renaming.
+* Clarified that user-entered category page titles are used for display purposes, not for category renaming.
== Miscellaneous ==
-* Various grammar corrections were made across the site.
-* Decreased the number of allowable characters in a guide bullet.
+* Various grammar corrections.
+* Decreased the number of allowable characters in a guide bullet from 600 to 350.
+* The 'Featured Guide' and 'User Submitted Guide' flags now have new colorful images, separating them from the rest of the flags.
+* User names must now be a minimum of 2 characters, down from 3.
+* New customers signing up must now specify their country.
+* Trying to create a new team while already on a team now displays a correct error message.



Original post by: Thomas Soria


== Bug Fixes ==

* Fixed a bug where reputation graphs were not displaying on user profiles
* Fixed a bug where not setting a google analytics key for a site would cause a warning in our error log.

* Fixed a bug where a primary guide image was sometimes blurry until the user moused over a thumbnail. 

== Optimizations ==

* Clarified user-entered category page titles are used for display purposes, not for renaming.  

== Miscellaneous ==

* Various grammar corrections were made across the site. 
* Decreased the number of allowable characters in a guide bullet.

