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Original post by: Ronald Nelson



(Not a Dozuki Employee) I'm not sure if all sites are created equal on the number of points you receive, But Dozuki has put together some info.


I know from my site here's the the approximate break down of points.

Admin Approves Guide: 80ish points(if a guide has multiple contributors the points are divided up)

Admin Approves Wiki: 50 points

Someone completed your Guide: 20ish points (once again if a guide has multiple contributors the points are divided up)

Answers Accepted: 30 points

Post was voted up: 12 points

Someone liked your guide: 10 points

My guess is if you have authors that don't have any points that there guides aren't published?  However it is also possible for Admins to add and take away points, so that may be the case to.

I hope this helped.

