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Current version by: Taylor Arnicar


Hey Fred,
Header CSS classes:
.header // wrapper around the contents of the header
.guide-title // title of the guide in the left of the header
.revisionid // revisionid on the right of the page.
Footer CSS classes:
.footer // wrapper around the contents of the footer
.copyright // copyright text
.site-title // name of the site.
.page-num // wrapper around the page number
.page // span element around the current page number
.topage // span element aroudn the total number of pages number
-As for the @import rule, I'm not sure why that wouldn't be working. Post up what you're trying and i'll try to see if I can help.
+As for the @import rule, I'm not sure why that wouldn't be working. Post a reply with what you're trying and I'll try to see if I can help.



Edit by: Taylor Arnicar


Hey Fred,
Header CSS classes:
.header // wrapper around the contents of the header
.guide-title // title of the guide in the left of the header
.revisionid // revisionid on the right of the page.
Footer CSS classes:
.footer // wrapper around the contents of the footer
.copyright // copyright text
.site-title // name of the site.
.page-num // wrapper around the page number
.page // span element around the current page number
.topage // span element aroudn the total number of pages number
+As for the @import rule, I'm not sure why that wouldn't be working. Post up what you're trying and i'll try to see if I can help.



Original post by: Tim Asp


Hey Fred,

Header CSS classes:

.header       // wrapper around the contents of the header
.guide-title  // title of the guide in the left of the header
.revisionid   // revisionid on the right of the page.

Footer CSS classes:

.footer       // wrapper around the contents of the footer
.copyright    // copyright text
.site-title   // name of the site.
.page-num     // wrapper around the page number
.page         // span element around the current page number
.topage       // span element aroudn the total number of pages number

