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Current version by: Daniel Sallee


Hi David,
-Yes, you can escape the wiki formatting and syntax by using [raw]. For example, to include the vertical bar as part of the table cell, you would enter “[raw] | [/raw]” within the desired table cell. Using [raw], you will be able to escape wiki formatting and syntax and have the desired text displayed.
+Yes, you can escape the wiki formatting and syntax by using [raw]. For example, to include the vertical bar as part of the table cell, you would enter [raw] “[raw] | [/raw]” [/raw] within the desired table cell. Using [raw], you will be able to escape wiki formatting and syntax and have the desired text displayed.



Edit by: Daniel Sallee


Hi David,
-Yes, you can escape the wiki formatting and syntax by using [raw]. For example, to include the vertical bar as part of the table cell, you would enter [raw] | [/raw] within the desired table cell. Using [raw], you will be able to escape wiki formatting and syntax and have the desired text displayed.
+Yes, you can escape the wiki formatting and syntax by using [raw]. For example, to include the vertical bar as part of the table cell, you would enter [raw] | [/raw] within the desired table cell. Using [raw], you will be able to escape wiki formatting and syntax and have the desired text displayed.



Original post by: Daniel Sallee


Hi David,

Yes, you can escape the wiki formatting and syntax by using [raw]. For example, to include the vertical bar as part of the table cell, you would enter [raw] | [/raw] within the desired table cell. Using [raw], you will be able to escape wiki formatting and syntax and have the desired text displayed.

