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Current version by: Ron Davis


Hi @nancytreads_xpo,[br]
Your link is breaking because it includes the extra ``app=desktop`` URL parameter in the link. That URL parameter is a tool that mobile browsers use to request the desktop version of a web page. For your embedded video, that parameter is superfluous.[br]
Try using the shareable URL that YouTube provides under the video:
The embed link above should render as:
-Note that I’ve also used the simplified version of the URL embed. If your video doesn’t require a caption, we recommend using this method. If your video requires a caption, use this format:[br]
+Note that I’ve also used the simplified version of the URL embed. If your video doesn’t require a caption, we recommend using this method. If your video requires a caption, use this format:
+[video|]This is a caption.[/video]
-``[video|]This is a caption.[/video]``[br]
-The example above will render with a caption below the video.[br]
+The example above will render with a caption below the video.
[video|]This is a caption.[/video]



Edit by: Ron Davis


Hi @nancytreads_xpo,[br]
Your link is breaking because it includes the extra ``app=desktop`` URL parameter in the link. That URL parameter is a tool that mobile browsers use to request the desktop version of a web page. For your embedded video, that parameter is superfluous.[br]
Try using the shareable URL that YouTube provides under the video:
The embed link above should render as:
Note that I’ve also used the simplified version of the URL embed. If your video doesn’t require a caption, we recommend using this method. If your video requires a caption, use this format:[br]
``[video|]This is a caption.[/video]``[br]
The example above will render with a caption below the video.[br]
[video|]This is a caption.[/video]



Edit by: Ron Davis


-Try it without the closing video tag.
+Hi @nancytreads_xpo,[br]
+Your link is breaking because it includes the extra ``app=desktop`` URL parameter in the link. That URL parameter is a tool that mobile browsers use to request the desktop version of a web page. For your embedded video, that parameter is superfluous.[br]
+Try using the shareable URL that YouTube provides under the video:
-Should render as:[br]
+The embed link above should render as:
+Note that I’ve also used the simplified version of the URL embed. If your video doesn’t require a caption, we recommend using this method. If your video requires a caption, use this format:[br]
+``[video|]This is a caption.[/video]``[br]
+The example above will render with a caption below the video.[br]
+[video|]This is a caption.[/video]



Edit by: Lucas Bishop


Try it without the closing video tag.
Should render as:[br]



Edit by: Lucas Bishop


Try it without the closing video tag.
+Should render as:[br]
-Should render as:[br]



Edit by: Lucas Bishop


Try it without the closing video tag.
+Should render as:[br]



Original post by: Lucas Bishop


Try it without the closing video tag.




