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Original post by: Eric Kenji Furukawa


Based on your explanation:

# Create course
# Assign the ***course*** to ***Team*** ***A*** with ***30 Day Deadline***.
# Add ***User B*** to ***Team A*** after ***X days*** from the assignment to the team ***(X = any number of days)***.

The ***course will not show overdue for User B, and they will have 30 days to complete the course.***

* The ***due date*** is calculated based on the time that ***User B*** joined ***Team A*** (the time the user joined the team that’s assigned to the course).
** Note that this is for the ***initial due date,*** and different behavior applies to dates relating to ***recurrent training deadlines.***[br]
''Recurrent Training deadlines are based on the team and are the same for all users in the team, regardless of when they joined.''

