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Original post by: Brian Sallee


We have a few options to support creating content from a mobile device.

# Using an '''iOS device''' and the '''Safari browser''' you can create guides and capture images and video. When you select the image / video placeholder for a step you will have the option to open the camera on your device and choose to capture an image or video. The image or video will be uploaded and added directly to the step you are working on. 
# Using an '''Android device''' and the '''Chrome browser''' you can create guides and capture images and video. When you select the image / video placeholder for a step you will have the option to open the camera on your device and choose to capture an image or video. The image or video will be uploaded and added directly to the step you are working on. 
# Using an '''Android device''' with the [|Dozuki Android app|new_window=true] installed you can create guides and capture images. When you select the image placeholder for a step you will have the option to open the camera on your device and capture an image. The image will be uploaded and added directly to the step you are working on. 

We have a couple of guides that detail how to create content using the [guide|6472|Android App], or using the [guide|6492|web browser] on your device.

