2 min read

From DIY Solutions To Data Driven Breakthroughs

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"Quality assurance is about transforming digital acquisition into information that you can leverage."

This might be our most tactical and encouraging episode yet!

Mark Gobessi shares how he came into Superior Pak and created systems to create visibility into their manufacturing process.

They created a homegrown MES solution using a cheap off-the-shelf forms/checklist app. And they also used another cheap off-the-shelf app to create a check-in/check-out system for tools and parts.

The biggest win was connecting all of these systems to Power BI to bring visibility and reporting to all the production teams and management.

Listen or watch below!


Topic(s): Product
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Written by Dozuki

Founded in 2011, Dozuki has been the leader in connected worker solutions for over a decade. We’ve helped hundreds of companies plan, implement, and scale our frontline digital transformation solution.

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