Industry News
4 min read

Give Your Manufacturing Company a Boost

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Whether you’re in aerospace or automotive, medical device or dairy—it’s important that your manufacturing company grows while keeping up with the latest innovations. In honor of Manufacturing Day 2015, here are 5 easy ways you can quickly and easily give your operations a boost—today!

1. Always be Learning

Experts and novices alike should never allow their work to get stale. Stale means static and static means—no money. But the good news is you don't have to go back to school to learn new techniques, theories, or systems.

There are thousands of online workshops and lectures at your fingertips, and they will ensure that your work is relevant and exciting. It can be hard to separate the good resources from the bad ones, but here are a couple of resources to start you off with.

Resources: Gemba Academy, TED Talks for Manufacturers, Dozuki

2. Get the Show on the Road

Are you certain that the trade shows you've been going to for the last 3 years are still worth your time today? It’s time to switch things up when it comes to your trade shows, expos, and conferences. In the interest of spending your money wisely—and staying ahead of the innovation game—do a bit of research on the shows you haven’t been to and in the areas of the country you’re company hasn't marketed to.

Make the extra effort: find out how many attendees or exhibitors there will be, which quality job titles will be present, and which keynote speakers will be sharing their knowledge. We're not saying to break up with your favorite trade show line-up, but it’s may be time to see what else is out there.

Resources: Events in AmericaManufacturing News 

3. Stop, Collaborate, and Listen

Add-a-comment_GIFYou may have been ignoring your best, most cost-effective resources. And they’re right under your roof: Your technicians.

It’s time to collaborate with your employees—and not just with engineers and supervisors, but people in your company with the most hands on experience. They can bring you surprising perspectives and address details you never thought of. From technical writers to factory workers, your employees have insight you should be leveraging. Start a monthly forum.

Share information with staff members you normally wouldn't. Loop in remote employees with virtual staff meetings.

Resources: Feedback and collaboration features in Dozuki

4. Be a Better Writer

Successful manufacturing is all about successful communication. For instance, a poorly worded sentence can mean the difference between a perfect product and a costly mistake. And too often, our work instructions get bogged down by expensive-sounding jargon, long acronyms, and confusing text.

Freshen up your ABCs and explore these quick and easy resources to get your grammar, organization, and clarity to the top of the class.

Resources: Quick and Dirty Tips, Tech Writing Handbook

5. Get Social

Historically, the manufacturing industry has fought a bad reputation for being stuck in the past. Keep up with your associates, partners, and competitors—and get the latest updates on every innovation, emerging technology, and culture critique.

Revamp your LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Start a daily post schedule. Join an online manufacturing group. Virtually network with other folks in your industry.

Resources: LinkedIn's Manufacturing Groups, 9 Manufacturers Doing it Right on Twitter

Topic(s): Industry News
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Written by Leslie Bloom

With a background in design and communications, Leslie is passionate about giving manufacturers the tools they need to boost the productivity and confidence of their frontline workforce.

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