Upskill Your Frontline with Dozuki Courses

Maximize Workforce Competency

We are excited to introduce a major upgrade to Dozuki Courses, offering four new ways to enhance the continuous upskilling of your frontline workforce.

Trainer Assessments

Over the Shoulder Assessments

You now have the option to mandate your workers successfully pass a Trainer Assessment for any training assignment in Dozuki, to meet Course completion.

The Trainer Assessment offers you a means to effectively evaluate the competency of your frontline workers.

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External Courses

Extensible Training Curriculums

To enhance the value of Courses beyond procedure-training, we now offer the ability to import training content from third-party systems via SCORM.

Whether you have an LMS for policy-training or an off-the-shelf library hosting your OSHA videos, you can easily bring in training content from other systems and departments with External Courses.

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Manual Invalidations

Streamlined Training Management

In some situations, classrooms for example, trainers may need to bulk update training completion status for a large group of trainees in a specific Course.

Now, you have the ability to manage Course progress in a streamlined manner, whether it's for an entire team or on an individual basis.

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Wiki Course Stages

Wikis as Training Curriculum

Frontline training requirements extend beyond just process and procedure. When it comes to upskilling your workforce, it is crucial that all of your internal knowledge is accessible for training purposes.

As part of our commitment to offering the most comprehensive training options for frontline workers, we have developed a feature that allows you to utilize Wikis as part of your curriculum in Courses.

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Periodic Review

Scheduled Content Reviews for Accuracy

Periodic Review is a game-changer for companies looking to maintain the quality and reliability of their training curriculum.

With Dozuki, you can now effortlessly automate the recurring review of your standards, guaranteeing that your training curriculum remains consistently up-to-date, compliant, and perfectly aligned with your current best practices.

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Coming Soon to Courses: Quizzing

In our continuing efforts to deliver best in class training for frontline workers, we're developing a Quizzing feature for Courses.
