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18 Books for Better Employee Training

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Books are a great way to learn new techniques to train and connect with your employees.

Topics can range from practical business practices, to more subjective insights into human behavior, to laser focused research and case studies. Either way, books provide an in-depth opportunity for professional development and business growth. 

To help you identify books worth reading, we put together this list of the 18 best books on employee training written in the last 10 years.

With 3.5 million jobs needed to be filled by 2025, manufacturers have a big challenge ahead of them. The average U.S. manufacturer is losing an estimated 11% of its annual earnings (EBITDA), or $3,000 per existing employee, due to the talent shortage.

It's time for companies to move beyond the limitations of on-the-job training programs and looks towards more advanced training programs.

Free Download Solving the Skills Gap on the Factory Floor

Topic(s): Training
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Written by Leslie Bloom

With a background in design and communications, Leslie is passionate about giving manufacturers the tools they need to boost the productivity and confidence of their frontline workforce.

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