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6 Shocking Stats for Manufacturing Leaders

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After years of research, our show producer, Corey Brown, shares some fascinating statistics that will shock many leaders in the manufacturing industry. In this special episode, Brian shares his perspective on the real stories behind these surprising numbers.

Dozuki has helped hundreds of businesses with digital transformation on the frontline, come talk to us.

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1) The Modern Factory is Still Human-Powered

72% of factory work is still performed by people. 

Unlike the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Frontline Digital Transformation (FDX) requires people in your business to behave differently in order for it to be successful.

Source: Kearney, The State of Human Factory Analytics


2) Loss of Knowledge is a Real Threat

97% of companies are worried about the financial impact of "brain-drain." 

Source: The Manufacturing Institute, The Aging of the Manufacturing Workforce


3) Start Digital Transformation Now, Waiting Will Cost You

Early "smart factory" adopters reap twice as many benefits - reporting a 20% increase in labor productivity.

Source: Delloite, Delloite & MAPI Smart Factory Study


4) Manufacturers Struggle to Reach Digital Goals

95% of industry leaders agree that digital transformation is essential to future success but less than 30% reach their stated goals.

Sources: Fictiv, The State of Manufacturing Report & McKinsey & Co, The 'How' of Transformation


5) Preparation is Everything with Digital Transformation

Of companies that aren't able to realize the benefits of digital transformation projects, 80% of that lost value occurs before or during the initial implementation.

Source: Mckinsey, Why Even Successful Transformations Fall Short


6) It All Starts with the Frontline Workforce

97% of digital transformation projects fail when companies fail to include operators and line managers early on in the process.

Among respondents whose companies’ transformations failed to engage line managers and frontline employees, only 3% report success, compared with success rates of 26% and 28%, respectively, when each of these groups is engaged.

Source: Mckinsey, Why Even Successful Transformations Fall Short


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Written by Dozuki

Founded in 2011, Dozuki has been the leader in connected worker solutions for over a decade. We’ve helped hundreds of companies plan, implement, and scale our frontline digital transformation solution.

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