Work Instructions
2 min read

How Dover Artificial Lift Achieved ISO Certification

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Maneesh BhatnagarAs part of our mission to bring manufacturing excellence and standards to our audience, we are proud to announce our educational webinar highlighting the journey to ISO certification.

Register to view this on-demand recorded presentation with Maneesh Bhatnagar, Director of Quality and Continuous Improvement at the Dover Corporation.

This on-demand ISO 9001 webinar covers:

  • How to get stakeholder buy-in
  • Tips to make your certification process easier
  • Common mistakes to avoid
  • Naming convention tips
  • The best way to allocate resources towards certification
  • The biggest challenges and how to avoid them
  • … and more

Watch Now >

Topic(s): Work Instructions
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Written by Dozuki

Founded in 2011, Dozuki has been the leader in connected worker solutions for over a decade. We’ve helped hundreds of companies plan, implement, and scale our frontline digital transformation solution.

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